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3 Simple Ways to Prevent Dehydration in Seniors

3 Simple Ways to Prevent Dehydration in Seniors

It is common knowledge that more than half of your body is composed of water. That is because every cell contains a small amount of water. However, some of the most important organs—including the brain, heart, and kidneys—are more than 75 percent water. This is...
How Exercise Can Protect Against Dementia 

How Exercise Can Protect Against Dementia 

Slight cognitive decline is a normal part of aging. However, more pronounced difficulties, such as short-term memory loss and confusion, are considered abnormal.   Researchers believe that advanced cognitive decline occurs due to changes in the brain and the...
5 Surprising Signs of Healthy Aging

5 Surprising Signs of Healthy Aging

As Americans are increasingly living well into their 80s and 90s, the fitness industry has increased its focus on helping people maintain their physical health during their senior years. Older people who engage in an active, healthy lifestyle can maintain their...